about Spiritual Direction

A spiritual companion that helps others notice the footprints in the sand.

What is spiritual direction?

My favorite definition is one by Father Maurice J. Nutt, a Roman Catholic priest:

Many seek spiritual guidance and support in response to the complexities and challenges in life and in a person’s faith journey. Through spiritual direction they explore a deeper intimacy with God and discern their responses to this relationship in the daily concerns of life and discipleship.

Spiritual direction is an ancient practice in which a spiritual director also known as a spiritual companion, helps another to listen for the voice and presence of God in their life. Through deep listening, a spiritual companion can help you explore a deeper relationship with God. A space is created to help you discover your true self, the person God created you to be, without opinions or judgment.

Is spiritual direction like therapy or counseling?

No. Spiritual directors are also often described as spiritual companions. While some may vary in their practice, a spiritual director does not advise, coach, diagnose etc. We are here to sit with you as you wrestle through highs, lows, and life’s questions. We will listen, ask questions, meditate with you in silence, walk, pray, and engage with you on other ways that help you connect deeper with God. We may also recommend that you see a therapist or counselor if it seems you need to explore mental health related challenges and experiences with a professional.

What happens in spiritual direction?

Each person is different and has different ways of connecting with God. So sessions might vary by director, and directee, or what their need is for that particular session. However, my sessions typically include some variation of meditating/reflecting in silence, prayer, readings, space for you to share, and questions to help you reflect deeper.

Is spiritual direction right for me?

That is for you to prayerfully discern. But spiritual direction is for anyone who is looking to grow deeper in or wrestle with faith. Whether you are new to the faith, a long-timer, or in a place of deconstruction. Whether you are from various denominations or cultural expressions. Spiritual direction can offer a space for you to avoid navigating it all alone.

Do I have to be a Christian? What if I am unsure of where I am in my faith?

You don’t have to be a Christian, however, my spiritual direction training is based on the traditional practice, rooted in the Christian faith. Whether you are new to the faith, a long-timer, or in a place of deconstruction. Whether you are from various denominations or cultural expressions. Spiritual direction can offer a space for you to avoid navigating it all alone. Feel free to try an intro session, and decide if this is the right space for you.

How much does it cost?

I offer a sliding scale from $75 -$100, or based on what you can afford. If you are a student or have a tight budget, we can discuss how to make this affordable and accessible for you. These fees help me maintain this ministry (website, scheduling system, and ongoing studies).

Where will we meet?

At this time, I primarily offer virtual sessions. So we can meet no matter where you live. If you live in the Washington DC area and work best in person, please let me know so we can explore options to make it happen.

How often will we meet? How long should I see you?

This is up to you. It’s often suggested to meet once a month, and we can adjust the frequencies based on your needs. Some people will meet with a spiritual director for a year, and some will meet with the same Director for much their life journey.

What is the meaning behind Liberated Soul?

Many of us have heard the story of the Garden of Eden, or the Genesis Creation story. But we often breeze past a key portion, the moment Adam and Eve first knew shame because they were naked. Marty Solomon has a great teaching on this on the BEMA Podcast in episodes 1 and 2. God asks Adam and Eve, “who told you you were naked?” Or as Marty paraphrases it, who told you you were not enough, just as I created you? What other voices have you been listening to? I believe this is the great struggle of humanity. We so often live in shame of who we have been created to be, or because we believe the lies that have been spoken over us. What if we experienced the liberation that allows us the live fully as the unique souls that God created us to be? What if we embodied the words of Jesus, “my yoke is easy and my burden is light?” Oh what free and liberated souls we would be, free of shame and condemnation, just as we were created to be.

What if I have other questions?

Feel free to reach out with additional questions, or setup a free intro session.

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