About ME

Hi, I’m Sarah. In 2022, I was recommended for a cohort that would spend a year learning the art of spiritual direction. I had heard of a friend who was seeing a spiritual director through a Catholic church but didn’t know much about it. I soon learned that spiritual direction is a studied art of deep listening on behalf of another. The more I learned, the more I realized I had somewhat been doing it all my life. Family, friends, coworkers, acquaintances, and even strangers, have for some reason trusted me to listen to words from the depths of their hearts. Becoming a spiritual director was like finding a missing piece.

Since then I have deepened my study of spiritual direct and am currently in the process of completing a year long apprenticeship with Coracle, while under supervision with another seasoned Spiritual Director. This is part-time ministry for me, my other part time ministry being leading worship. I hold a Bachelors in Communication Arts with a focus on Worship, and an MBA from American University. Outside of ministry, I work in brand management for a company that most would describe as a lifelong favorite creator of magical entertainment.

I’m first generation American, born and raised by my incredibly resilient parents, who moved here from Côte d’Ivoire in the 1980’s. Throughout my life I navigated childhood trauma, being a third culture kid, and unlearning the sometimes harmful effects of Western Christianity. Through it all I have become the woman I am today, experiencing a faith that is liberating, and continually growing towards who God created me to be.

Although I am a Maryland girl at heart who loves her blue crabs, I currently reside in Washington D.C. with my husband.